Just in case you are looking for someone to blame about all this current ruckus about the reserves, it seems that I was the person that started all this chaos. In the September meeting I thought I heard the reserves were around $230 some thousand. I said to myself that can't be right; I must have misheard. I remembered reading in a newsletter that we were at 55.5% reserves. According to my estimate that would have been closer to $850,000 and not $230 some thousand.
Then I pulled up the Reserve study we were sent that was done by the Browning group. If you haven't read that, you really should. In a nutshell, they said we are dangerously low in reserves and recommended a $4,167 assessment be paid immediately by each unit of the HOA. All their numbers they calculated moving forward assumed that over $450,000 ($4,167 X 108 units) has already been injected into the reserves from the assessment.
That is why I asked Pat about the discrepancy at the meeting. She did state that the previously posted 55.5% is incorrect. She may have said that the previous management people gave her the number but I was having trouble hearing her.
I asked her because I for one do not want to have to pay out a huge assessment. She did say that the HOA members have to vote and approve of an assessment and she knows no one wants to have to pay that.
So it seems that the man that developed this site (very impressive) is extremely focused on this subject and yours truly just stepped into it and popped the balloon. OK, I take responsibility for that. Maybe I am like the the little kid that yelled out from the crowd "The emperor is not wearing any clothes!" I guess someone had to say it. "Our HOA is beyond broke!"
PS - Yes, I have signed up on here using my own name. There are too many timid Anonymous people on here. Time to come out of the closet.
Bob, I haven't had the pleasure to meet you but glad to see another stand-up and speak-up about what is wrong here at Edgewood.
Unfortunately due to the age issue, ability issue, and the cognitive skills of many in our community .... Homeowners and residents here have been lied to, taken advantage of, and most of all been robbed from.
The issue of current reserves, or current balance, or abilities to take care of the "day to day operations" is important ... Yes! But what is more important here is to find out; How, Why, Who, and When.
How did this happen?
Why did this happen?
Who did what and when?
And .... When did this first start?
If we can't figure out how this started and how it happened, then we will never completely understand how we got here and how to get out of this and not repeat this ever again.
Like I have commented before ... There just isn't one lie here from the HOA Board. There isn't just one issue at hand of great concern from the homeowners and residents here at Edgewood. But what we are seeing and hearing are a continues issue of lying and statements from the HOA Board that have been misleading, prejudice, and probably have broken some laws along the way.
This isn't about a certain person. This isn't about one certain thing. And this isn't about one particular lie. This is about a broken system, this is about a Board of people, ones that needs to be replaced, and rebuilt for this community to go forward. We need the word "Community" to mean something again here at Edgewood. We need to rebuild that trust between Board and Residence. We need to be able to have respect and show respect to one another. We need to be able to trust and be able to turn to thy neighbor at will without judgement or attack. We need to lift ourselves out of this mess. We need a lot, but we need to start somewhere, we need to do it now before it gets much worse. We have only scratched the surface to the degree of issues plaquing our Edgewood Community.
Id like to also admit something here right now too. I had made several post in the past several days. I stand behind what I wrote. I stand behind the facts stated. I actually have more damning evidence of incompetence from the HOA Board, that hasn't been presented here yet. But what I did yesterday was remove all those post. Why you may ask (or maybe you can careless)? I removed them because at a moment of weakness, I didn't want to be involved. I don't like seeing some of the hate, bigotry, and ugliness that some have taken to here. People, we are humans, we are fellow neighbors, this is "All of ours Community" (not just a few outspoken ones).
We may not agree with what everyone is saying here. We may not understand what everyone is saying here. We may not like the way some are going about this. And we may not want to hear any of it. However, we better start trying to understand things. We better find a way to listen to another without attacking one another. We need to come together as a "Community", not tear each other down to prove a point (whatever it may be).
Something that also came to my attention over the past 24 hours also is that "someone" called in a complaint to the USPS Postmasters office. This isn't the first time this has happened but actually the second time. Someone called in to say that someone is breaking Federal Law by using USPS mailboxes for his own propaganda. Damn, that's a serious accusation. When I heard this first I was like, "that's pretty petty of someone to do that" towards Shane. However overtime my feelings changed to, "this person was stupid to call, complain, and instigate a investigation". Due you know that the same mailboxes that Shane has left notices in, are the same mailboxes that the HOA Board uses at times to leave Monthly Newsletters, or Community Correspondences, or a Parking Pass for residents with guest. You see what I'm getting out here? You not only called out Shane for using the mailboxes supposedly illegally, you actually implicated several individuals on the HOA Board now for doing the exact same thing. You may ask yourself how that happened? That happened because I called the Postmaster today and made a signed statement, stating the facts at hand and the years of use of these mailboxes by members of the HOA Board. I felt that if there was going to be a investigation, that they should at least have all the facts. If Shane's name is in this investigation, then I felt some members of the Board she be in it too. Now whoever did this, whoever thought that they were doing the right thing, make sure you let the Board know that they can thank you for it .... Wouldn't want you to not get the credit for it.
See, actions like that aren't going to help this community. I'm guilty of this now too because of the Postmaster investigation. However I felt the need to level out the playing field when it comes to "Board Activist".
Actions of Homeowners and Residents coming together, individuals wanting not just to be heard but also to listen, this community needs to come together.
Done rambling
Thanks for listening
@edgewoodfacts All Federal, State, and City agencies/officials we have spoken with understand and appreciate our circumstances. All involved have impressed me, especially the City of Citrus Heights.
Shane Hill
@edgewoodfacts Interesting reply. I was actually expecting the Board to show up at my door with torches and pitchforks demanding my head!
Now, you said quit a bit in response so thanks for all that effort. I actually think I can answer some of your questions put out here to the community. I think they were:
How did this happen?
Why did this happen?
Who did what and when?
And ... When did this first start?
This all started about fifty some years ago when Edgewood was built. I wasn't around then but this is what rumor has told me over the years. Pat was elected president (just when I am not sure - maybe right off the bat). The community had brand new buildings, roads, pool, RV lot, etc. The Board was essentially teachers they say and nobody cared as whatever dues were charged were collected to make things look pretty.
Why did the problems we face happen? How did this happen? At first mainly APATHY. People have busy daily lives. Like the frog in a pot of water, no one really noticed as over time little things slowly started to compile upon each other and things began to heat up. Now when I bought a place (No, I am not a renter) around 2005, dues were up to $175/month and the RV lot was free for all to use. This is about thirty years down the road from when things first started. Now there was more going on besides just Apathy. The Board had been in place and had controlled the narrative. People who spoke up heard things like "we will look into item on the agenda?" People started being afraid to even speak up. That carries onto this day.
So that is a greatly condensed version as to how we got to where we are now. Many other factors probably entered in that I glossed over.
So now the Board is in a pickle. They walls are closing in on them. They were so well liked when they set dues very low. They really had no idea of how to plan for the future. When they first hired a management company, the lady that ran the company really lowered the boom on how badly things had been mismanaged and how deplorable the reserves were. She was terminated. Now we have gone through numerous companies one by one that tell Pat how bad things are and are summarily terminated.
Of the 108 units here, people are so fed up that they just quit going to the meetings. Fifteen or twenty people showing up to a meeting is considered a great turnout.
And so here we are. I have met the guy who is trying to help us and went to all the trouble to set up this website, Shane Hill. He doesn't look like a knight in shining armor but he is a nice guy, very driven, but totally dedicated to help save Edgewood. It was so totally unexpected to have this guy thank me for bringing to everyone's attention to the reserve situation. (Actually I brought it up because like all of us here I am sure, I just don't want to have to be hit with a big assessment. I called them on the numbers they gave us. The fallout from that question is amazing.)
Last point: talk to your neighbors. Get them involved. When the Board attacks someone like they did by calling the postmaster people, do as you did and tell them what the actual facts are. Support the guy that is being attacked. I will also do what I can. Hopefully we all will.
And take your masks off. They can pick you off one at a time but show you are all standing together and they will cower!
Thanx Bob whoever you are. You and Shane ARE Shining Knights. My mask is on because I’m a a community loving and responsible renter for almost nine years. I see this place as a concentration camp not as a community. I’ve been picked at, had no repairs done and my wonderful landlord has been ignored by numerous requests to repair things. I’m outspoken about a “two tiered” Justice system in our complex. Our board from my limited view serves themselves. But as a renter I have been barred from voicing change cause I pay attention and see what’s going on in and around the neighborhood and made them uneasy with TRUTH. I’ve brought problems to Pat for years, years with no thanx or kiss my butt. Yet when she wants to know something I get a call. Now, she CAN kiss my butt and I tell her to call a board member. THANX Shane and you Bob for being MEN and standing with integrity and honor for Our community not just the boards. WE THE PEOPLE!!!