  • Emailcommunity@edgewoodhoa.org
  • AddressCitrus Heights, California ‎ ‎‎‎‎‎ ‎‎ ‎ ‎ ‎‎‎‎ ‎ ‎‎‎‎ ‎‎℡‎ ‎‎ ‎(279) 252-8072
  • Emailcommunity@edgewoodhoa.org
  • AddressCitrus Heights, California ‎ ‎‎‎‎‎ ‎‎ ‎ ‎ ‎‎‎‎ ‎ ‎‎‎‎ ‎‎℡‎ ‎‎ ‎(279) 252-8072


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Can you help answer these questions for me?

Bob Chamness
Active Member

Things are really quiet on here. Time to get things answered for us all. If you know what is going on, please respond.

Here are my comments and questions:

Comment: Welcome to Flexibleabb who just came on board. Feel free to comment!

Comment: Thanks to Hosslover for input on the lack of maintenance at Edgewood. We used to have a full time maintenance man that took care of everything...even cleaning the gutters - now we pay some company through the nose to do that. So with no maintenance man to change the bulbs in the lolipop lights, maybe Pat or a board member can do that. I will volunteer to hold the ladder.

Question: Why is the board talking about screening the RV lot? That hasn't been proposed or needed in the last 50+ years. Why now? Is this for a board member?

Comment: In the RV lot, one RV is always plugged into a power outlet with a long orange cord. Shane mentioned it in a post and the cord disappeared. Now it is back. Do you know whose RV that is that is taking electricity that we are all paying for? (RV lot is not on a separate meter).

Comment: I think Shane is working on revamping the website. Maybe we will be able to do something like instant messaging. If that happens, feel free to chat with me. I would like to see how others are thinking about what all is going on at Edgewood.

Topic starter Posted : 07/01/2025 11:26 am
Shane Hill reacted
Stephen Hill
New Member

My perspective about your question about screening the RV lot: BAD IDEA.  Someone hops over and they have their run of the place. Not a problem because we have a 20K$ surveillance system, right?  But the Board has refused to share its videos with police investigations, undermining even that tool. Can you really trust parking your RV or boat in such an insecure area, and especially after paying a fee for same? A screen also costs money to construct and money to maintain. Money the Board will argue comes from the parking fees collected.  But those fees need to go to the general fund. Best security is openness and lighting. Now that I’m really thinking about it, this is not just a bad idea, it’s a stupid idea  



Posted : 05/02/2025 3:36 pm
Shane Hill reacted